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Forum De Broncode - Jan Sloot • Ver Tema - General Questions (Forum Closed)

General Questions (Forum Closed)

DNA is a different way to store data on a very efficient way like the
SDCS principle from Jan Sloot. Like SDCS it uses Key-codes (DNA-
codes) which are <= 256 bytes by using a Reference Table.

For an online Video Demonstration of DNA, click
In this Forum you can ask questions and follow the developments.
Reglas del Foro
Use the common rules of internet (netiquette). Discussions about the existence of the DNA-algorithm or about the faking of the Video Demo has no added value to the further development of DNA. Subscribed messages that do not comply with these rules are removed without reason by the moderators. Details about this project are only released by the author and not by the Forum Manager. Starting new topics is allowed when the subject does not exist. This Forum is sharing with anti Spam facilities in the world by using API.

Re: General Questions (Guest threads Allowed)

Notapor SDSC » Vie 13 Ene 2012, 22:41

The best way to slow down your compateters is to give them your source code!
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Registrado: Vie 01 Oct 2010, 21:53

Re: General Questions (Guest threads Allowed)

Notapor Dittmar » Sab 14 Ene 2012, 19:09

No doubt of the functioning of this little demo.
We know that (sub)routines, as a reference, make resources smaller.
You can create thousands of algorithms as a reference and grab the
smallest/shortest way to your result. This decreases your encoding
time but it can increase enormously the decoding time.
Another approach is to create your own encoding language with your
own instructionset. The biggest challenge is generate a pointer
that is smaller than the original (output<input). When you achieved
this it become loopable (referring to Ricardo).

Dittmar, Gießen

Re: General Questions (Guest threads Allowed)

Notapor Dittmar » Sab 14 Ene 2012, 20:14

Addition to previous message.
It seems that the application is already loopable, is that correct?

Dittmar, Gießen

Re: General Questions (Guest threads Allowed)

Notapor SDSC » Sab 14 Ene 2012, 23:17

The best way to slow down your compateters is to give them your source code!
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Mensajes: 24
Registrado: Vie 01 Oct 2010, 21:53

Re: General Questions (Guest threads Allowed)

Notapor David Hofman » Jue 19 Ene 2012, 01:59

David Hofman

Re: General Questions (Guest threads Allowed)

Notapor Siegmund » Vie 20 Ene 2012, 15:20

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Original Message

Ich habe einige Dateien hochgeladen.
Viel Erfolg mit der weiteren Entwicklung!

Siegmund, Schwalmstadt

I uploaded some files.
Good luck with the further development!

Siegmund, Schwalmstadt

Re: General Questions (Guest threads Allowed)

Notapor Siegmund » Vie 20 Ene 2012, 16:57


Re: General Questions (Guest threads Allowed)

Notapor SDSC » Sab 21 Ene 2012, 15:13

@ David,
Very good questions and the answers can be found in the white paper which is online and downloadable. If you still have additional questions after reading the white paper do not hesitate to ask them. I am always willing (up to a certain level of course) to answer them.

@ Siegmund,
I have downloaded them, very interesting information and a lot to read.
Thanks a lot and we keep in contact.

Best regards, SDSC.
The best way to slow down your compateters is to give them your source code!
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Mensajes: 24
Registrado: Vie 01 Oct 2010, 21:53

Re: General Questions (Guest threads Allowed)

Notapor uwequbit » Sab 21 Ene 2012, 19:16

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Original Message

Ich habe im Jahr 2006 das Buch der Supercode von Eric Smit gelesen.

Der Fernsehtechniker, Jan Sloot, hat eine Tür in die Welt der Informatik geöffnet, die Akademiker erst noch finden müssen, bevor sie diese Tür öffnen.

„Die wissenschaftlichen Entdeckungen werden wie folgt gemacht:
Alle wissen, dass etwas nicht geht.
Und dann kommt jemand, der das nicht weiß,
und macht die Entdeckung“

Albert Einstein

Ich habe seid 2006 viele Idee verworfen, weil immer wieder die Mathematik dagegen war. ;)

Vielen Dank für die Veröffentlichung der Dokumentation. Respekt!!!

Dass die Informationsmuster nicht gleichmäßig verteilt - Gesetz der großen Zahlen - (bestimmte Muster im Informationsspektrum nie vorkommen) sind und deshalb große Zahlen von kleinen Zahlen referenziert werden können, ist sehr interessant.

Je mehr Dateien komprimiert werden, umso größer wird die Referenztabelle. Ist die Tabelle ein mathematisches Modell oder wächst sie iterativ, entsteht also bei der Kompression? (wäre logisch, aber sie wird eben nie 4^255 Muster (4 Byte Muster) erreichen.

Wie lang ist ein Muster in der Referenztabelle?

Ich schreibe in der Deutschen Sprache, weil mein Englisch nicht gut ist.

I write in the German language, because my English is not good.

I read the Book "der Supercode" from Eric Smit in 2006.

The dutch TV Repairman called Jan Sloot, opened a door into the world of computer science. The academics have yet to find it before they can open this door.

„The scientific discoveries are made ​​as follows:
Everyone knows that something doesn't work.
And then, someone comes along who doesn't know,
and makes the discovery"

Albert Einstein

Since 2006, I have had many ideas and constantly, the mathematics rejected it. ;)

Thank you very much for publishing the documentation. Respect!!!

That the information patterns are not evenly divided - The law of big numbers - (certain patterns in the range of information never occur) and therefore that large numbers from small numbers can be referenced, is very interesting.

The more files are compressed, the bigger the reference table will be. Referring to the reference table, is this a mathematical model or does it grow iteratively, so created during compression ? (it would be logical, but it will never reach a 4^255 pattern (4 Byte pattern)).

How big is one pattern in the reference table ?

I write in the German language, because my English is not good.
Mensajes: 3
Registrado: Dom 30 Oct 2011, 11:43

Re: General Questions (Guest threads Allowed)

Notapor uwequbit » Dom 22 Ene 2012, 13:23

Who has "translated" my text? Please repeat! ;)
Mensajes: 3
Registrado: Dom 30 Oct 2011, 11:43


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