DNA is a different way to store data on a very efficient way like the
SDCS principle from Jan Sloot. Like SDCS it uses Key-codes (DNA-
codes) which are <= 256 bytes by using a Reference Table.
For an online Video Demonstration of DNA, click

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Use the common rules of internet (netiquette). Discussions about the existence of the DNA-algorithm or about the faking of the Video Demo has no added value to the further development of DNA. Subscribed messages that do not comply with these rules are removed without reason by the moderators. Details about this project are only released by the author and not by the Forum Manager. Starting new topics is allowed when the subject does not exist. This Forum is sharing with anti Spam facilities in the world by using API.
por SDSC » Mié 01 Feb 2012, 22:11
The best way to slow down your compateters is to give them your source code!

- Mensajes: 24
- Registrado: Vie 01 Oct 2010, 21:53
por David Hofman » Lun 13 Feb 2012, 15:45
David Hofman
por BOŻYDAR » Mar 14 Feb 2012, 11:13
Thankz for sharing your approach and for looking into your kitchen.
Millions of people are trying to improve current compression techniques
that almost reached its limit. People like you are trying to find other
solutions with different techniques that has left behind. Outsiders have
their opinions but the answers can only be found to research/explore it.
Regards, BOŻYDAR (Poland)
por Joakim » Jue 12 Abr 2012, 09:39
Hello SDSC
I never saw such a coding process with iterations using a reference table.
Your WP gives a good closer look of the whole process. Very interesting is
diagram 1 (reference table size <> datainput) with your algorithms. It seem
to be based on a inventor from Holland. To bad that the story and streams are
in the dutch language which makes it not understandable for me.
Hope to hear more from your project.
Reg. Joakim Sweden
por Jürgen Möller » Sab 11 Ago 2012, 09:29
Is there any progress in DNA yet (maybe version 3) ? I looking forward to it.
I know that some students (USA) also using the same solution for videostreaming.
Regards Jürgen

Jürgen Möller
- Mensajes: 1
- Registrado: Vie 17 Ago 2012, 12:08
por tiseSweleld » Lun 06 Jul 2015, 11:04
Not quite every legacy and new-look IT vendor has its own settle on making the uninterrupted data center more programmable via software and less dependent on specialized, proprietary and expensive hardware.
Última reactivación por Anonymous en Lun 06 Jul 2015, 11:04
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