by S0123456789A » Wed 25 Mar 2020, 09:11
If the source code was about a digital coding language understood from the sender and receiver, I have an opinion about the source code. One example I have is if a video file is converted into a text file by having a digital coding language about what the video file looks like and sounds like, and sends this text file (converted from a video file) to the receiver which has all the colors, sounds, and the digital coding language installed but not saved from the hard drive, then when the receiver reads the digital coding language from the text file (converted from a video file), then the receiver will create the video file with the colors and sounds installed from the receiver and the hard drive will only need to save the text file (converted from a video file) as the receiver has the colors and sounds installed to make the other parts of the video file by reading the digital coding language of the text file (converted from a video file). What do you think about my opinion?
Last bumped by Anonymous on Wed 25 Mar 2020, 09:11.