General Info
Within this section of the Forum, short "Status Updates" will be shown about the further development of DNA.
Meanwhile, a third version of DNA is in development. The intension is to align the algorithmn and associated reference_table even more with the aim to increase the coding/encoding speed. In this, improvements are already made by using different kind of techniques, including so-called "brute force". The experts among us know that writing test_modules, visual scanning of the table for pattern recognition etc. are time-consuming.
Time Distribution
Besides my family, full time job, social contacts and other obligations, the factor time for hobby is a costly matter for me. To use this precious time, my primary goal is the development of DNA followed by the Forum. Periodic updates may also occur through the questions from guests or users in the main forum of DNA. To avoid duplicate and wasted time, no comments can be placed in the section "Status Updates" and the content will not be provided with detailed information.
Hoping for your understanding,
With kind regards,
Time Distribution
Besides my family, full time job, social contacts and other obligations, the factor time for hobby is a costly matter for me. To use this precious time, my primary goal is the development of DNA followed by the Forum. Periodic updates may also occur through the questions from guests or users in the main forum of DNA. To avoid duplicate and wasted time, no comments can be placed in the section "Status Updates" and the content will not be provided with detailed information.
Hoping for your understanding,
With kind regards,
The best way to slow down your compateters is to give them your source code!
SDSC - Beiträge: 24
- Registriert: Fr 01 Okt 2010, 21:53
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