White Paper DNA - Basic (UK)

White Paper DNA - Basic (UK)

Beitragvon SDSC » Fr 06 Jan 2012, 17:08

Verander taal: Nederlands

White paper DNA versions 2.x


1. INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................2
1.1 Intention of this document........................................................................................2
1.2 About DNA.............................................................................................................2
1.3 History...................................................................................................................2

2. BASIC PRINCIPLES.................................................................................................3
2.1 The idea behind DNA...............................................................................................3
2.2 Encoding / decoding................................................................................................3
2.3 The algorithms........................................................................................................3

3. TEST RESULTS........................................................................................................4
3.1 The first test results.................................................................................................4
3.2 Reference table size versus input..............................................................................6
3.3 Key code size versus iterations.................................................................................6

4. SUMMARY...............................................................................................................8
4.1 Further research......................................................................................................8
4.2 Note from the author................................................................................................8

5. APPENDIX...............................................................................................................9
5.1 Encoding flowchart..................................................................................................9
5.2 Key code diagram for file in screenshot 1 and 2........................................................10

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White paper DNA versions 2.x


1.1 Intension of this document

This document is intent to describe the basic principles of DNA and is focusing on the
encoding part. It does not contain information about the DNA algorithms itself or how
the algorithms work together, this information including the intellectual rights are
property of the author and will not be published.

1.2 About DNA

DNA is a combination of algorithms that makes it possible to calculate for every file
type, exe, bin, mp3, mpeg, wav, etc, a key code with a minimum size that is smaller than,
or equal to 256 bytes. With the help of a reference table, DNA can restore the original file
from this key code. DNA does not use known compression techniques but is a different
way of storing and restoring data lossless. The name DNA was chosen because the
algorithms, like genetic DNA, uses unique (DNA) sequences to carry the information
from which the original data can be restored. DNA is not a replacement of current
compression techniques but is an addition to it and they can work very well together.

1.3 History

The idea that data could be stored, archived more efficiently than we do up to now was
spinning in my mind for a lot of years starting in the '90s. The intention was to look for a
way to store or archive text documents and images on a more efficient way so hard disk
storage space can be used optimal.

Use a compression tool you would probably think now!

Nothing against that thinking and it would have been the easiest way but at that point my
feeling was asking me, hey, isn’t there a better and more efficient way? I had to agree
with my feeling and from that point on I started to look for that way. After many attempts
without positive results espied of the fact that I learned a lot about compression, finally
the DNA algorithms where born. Versions 2 of DNA is designed to demonstrate and to
prove the existence of that idea in conjunction with the algorithm, and they did! There is
a long way to go but the base is there. DNA is a hobby project and although the amount
of research that still is to be done it offers already many possibilities, for example data

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White paper DNA versions 2.x


2.1 The idea behind DNA

The main idea behind DNA is to store common used data only once! Its a simple idea but
easier said than done. A file is nothing more or less than a sequence of numbers
irrespective of its type. By creating unique (DNA) sequences from blocks of data which
are equal for every file type, it would be possible to replace this block by a shorter
reference. This also opens the possibility to use iterations which can bring the final size
back to a minimum, in the case of DNA <= 256 bytes. A few of years ago I stumbled
upon a story of Jan Sloot, a dutch inventor that had developed a revolutionary data
storage technique. After reading the book “De Broncode”, I recognized a lot in what I
was looking for and to be honest, it pushed me into the right direction. There are also
some remarkable similarities in the results.

2.2 Encoding / Decoding

The basic encoding process is visualized by the flowchart in appendix 5.1. The process
starts with opening, reading a file and dividing it into unique data blocks. For every block
the DNA algorithms calculates a (DNA) sequence. After this DNA checks if this
sequence is already present in the reference table. If not, it will be added to the table and
gets an reference, but when it is already in the table the sequence will not be added but
only his reference will be used. The block will be replaced by his smaller reference and
after processing every block a check on the total final size is done. If this size is still
bigger than then requested size, <= 256 bytes is the minimum but every size above that
can be made, the output is taken back to process it again until the requested size is
reached. When the total process is finished the final result will be stored as the key code.
Decoding is in basic the same as encoding only reversed.

2.3 The Algorithms

Version 2.x of DNA uses 5 algorithms (Jan Sloot?). They work together and the complete
processing is done by DNA and this all is mathematical proofed. The first intention of
DNA was to optimize data storage on a local device and that’s the reason for the dynamic
reference table. Don’t store more than necessary! If key codes where mend to be
exchangeable between systems then this test version of DNA would need a table with a
size of approximately 9,3652456509479766941447916893795e+145 bytes. This was not
relevant for testing with this version and beside of that a table of such size is impossible
to handle. Besides that, billions of sequences in the table will probably never be used.

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White paper DNA versions 2.x


3.1 The first test results

The test results presented here are from DNA version 2.6. Work on version 3 is started
but in between there where some new ideas and they could be easier implemented and
tested in version 2.4 and up.

Lets start with an empty reference table and a screenshot from version 2.6 with the results
of encoding a file.

Screenshot 1

In this case the input file has a size of 544606 bytes and the final size for the key code is
set to <= 256 bytes. As you can see, the number of iterations to get there is 42. Important
are the 'encoder in' and 'encoder out' values! Because of the use of iterations the total
amount of data processed by the encoder is a lot more than the original file size. This is
depending on the number of iterations that are necessary to reach the requested final size
of the key code. The 'encoder in' value is the amount of bytes that the encoder processed
and the 'encoder out' value is the total amount of bytes added to the the reference table.

I can hear you think now!

Encoder out = 473839 and file size = 544606, that’s a data reduction of 12.99%, any
compression tool would do a better job here!

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White paper DNA versions 2.x

But lets be honest, it would be unfair to judge DNA on this simple calculation because
there is more than that.

Compression tools would do a better job on this single file because they are specially
designed to know about file types and will compress a single file optimal to that
knowledge. DNA instead does not look at the file type and processes every file as equal,
just a sequence of numbers! That’s also one of the reason why iterations are possible. Try
to compress a compressed file again and you will see that it will not compress any more
because all the redundancy was removed at the first run. The algorithms reached the end
of there capacity and this results that the file grows again. (negative compression!)

Lets have a look at some test results.

First of all, the 'encoder out' versus the amount of data processed by the encoder. The
input file size is 544606 bytes but to reach the final requested size of the key code it takes
some iterations the get there. These iterations make the amount data flowing thru the
encoder a lot more than the size of the input file. In this case the encoder had to process
2271608 bytes and its final output was 473839 bytes. In fact the real data reduction
percentage has to be calculated from these values and is (2271608 – 473839) /
(2271608 / 100) = 79,14%, started with a empty reference table. This was already the
first evidence that the algorithms work and they did there job as expected.


Forget about the input file for the moment and have a look a the total bytes processed by
the encoder, 2271608 bytes in and 473839 bytes out. Remember the basic idea of DNA,
creating unique (DNA) sequences from blocks of data which are equal for every file type.
Another important value here is the 'Table extent' (see Screenshot 1) which is 8855. This
value indicates the number of (DNA) sequences added to the table. We started with an
empty reference table, which also is necessary to get a good impression of what the
algorithms are doing and generating. From the total stream of 2271608 bytes the
algorithms calculated 8855 references with a total size of 473839 bytes. This indicates
that the algorithms already found matching sequences and can rebuild the total stream of
2271608 bytes out of these 8855 references with the size of 473839 bytes!

Bear in mind that this was the first file processed by the algorithms and a table with no
reference at all. When more files are processed by DNA the number of matching
sequences will increase along the way and of course resulting in less sequences added to
the table. Notice that the total number of bytes added to the reference table is smaller then
the size of this input file.

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White paper DNA versions 2.x

3.2 Reference table size versus input

The following diagram shows us how the size of the reference table grows when the
number of files processed by DNA increases.

Diagram 1

This was exactly as expected and you can see, the more files are processed the less data is
added to the table and the more effective DNA becomes. This diagram also shows that
DNA with a dynamic table is not a replacement of compression tools. DNA in this case
needs more files/data to get effective (it has to learn ;-)). For single files the usage of a
compression tool would still be a better option.

3.3 Key code size versus iterations

Another important aspect was how the size of the key code was behaving by each
iteration. As told before DNA does not use know compression algorithms like run time
length encoding, Huffman trees, etc, etc. But beside that, I noticed something remarkable
in the first iteration. I will come back on this later but first have a look at diagram 2
which shows the key code size versus the number of iterations. For this diagram I took a
small file of 2489 bytes but bigger files showed the same behavior. This file took 18
iterations to get to a key code size of <= 256 bytes. In appendix 5.2 you find the key code
diagram for the (bigger) file used in screenshot 1 and 2.

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White paper DNA versions 2.x

Diagram 2

This behavior was a little bit strange to me because my expectation was that the size of
the key code would decrease at around the same amount by each iteration but it did not!
The reason for that was found in the first iteration. See the next screenshot.

Screenshot 2

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White paper DNA versions 2.x

Although the DNA algorithms do not use known compression techniques they seem to be
able to remove most of the redundancy in the first iteration! I did a test and compressed
the same file as in screenshot 2 using win-zip and the compressed size was 209409 bytes.
This is still smaller than the result of the first iteration but the algorithms are doing a very
good job here not knowing the file type they are dealing with. If you look at diagram 2
there is another remarkable thing. Up to the fifth iteration the key code decreases strong
but after that the effect of the resting iterations gets smaller (thirteen iterations for 750
bytes). Now have a look at the size of the key code at the fifth iteration, approximately
1K (Jan Sloot?). Another nice feature of iterations is that one can set the size of the final
output (key code). Although DNA can calculate a key code of <= 256 bytes, this is not
necessarily always the best choice. If for example DNA is used to optimize data on a hard
disk, the best choice is a final size of <= sector size. This will reduce the number of
iterations and hard disk space would be used optimal.


4.1 Further research

The test results of version 2 showed that the algorithms are working as expected with
very positive results, so further research and work on DNA can continue. They showed
new room for optimization and ideas but also some points of attention, speed for
example. Beside that another very big challenge would be the reference table, first of all
getting it smaller but also can we do without it? From test versions to a final application
is a long way and there is still a lot of research to be done but the results showed a solid
base here.

4.2 Note from the author

I do not claim that I have found the solution of the missing source code from Jan Sloot or
a way to achieve endless compression. DNA is a hobby project and the main goal is to
search for alternative ways to store data. The video demo, forum and this white paper are
intend to show the status of the project and achievements/results up to now. I really
would like to show and tell more about DNA and it algorithms but unfortunately certain
circumstances are making this impossible. For more information about, the status of or
questions please visit jansloot.telcomsoft.nl.

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White paper DNA versions 2.x


5.1 Encoding Flowchart

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White paper DNA versions 2.x

5.2 Key code diagram for file in Screenshot 1 and 2

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With kind regards,


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Registriert: Fr 01 Okt 2010, 21:53

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