Broncode Jan Sloot fictie of .....

Broncode Jan Sloot fictie of .....

Re: Broncode Jan Sloot fictie of .....

Berichtdoor Johan1951 » zo 24 okt 2010, 08:25

From: Nicos

Och, er zijn zoveel van die theorieën, zoals hier al aangegeven Elvis die nog zou leven.

Elvis is toch ooit dood teruggevonden ? En die theorieen slaan nergens op.
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Geregistreerd: di 31 aug 2010, 17:04

Re: Broncode Jan Sloot fictie of .....

Berichtdoor Johan1951 » zo 24 okt 2010, 08:28

From: Richard Schouw

Code: Selecteer alles
Elvis's name is spelt wrong on his headstone. His full name is Elvis Aron Presley, but on his grave his middle name is spelled incorrectly with two a's. His father would not have let this happen. When Elvis was born, his name was misspelled on his birth certificate, and his father went to great lengths to get the error corrected. The spelling of Elvis's name was important to the family.

Elvis's "resting place" is between his father and his grandmother and not next to his mother where he had requested. Its doubtful that the people close to him would allow these things to happen. Elvis is a superstitious man,enough so that he wouldn't tempt fate by putting his real name on a tombstone, or violate the ground next to his mother until he was ready to be placed there for good.

Elvis was vain, he was embarrassed about his recent weight gain - 50llb in the month before his death. Though he weighed about 250llb at the time of his "death," his death certificate lists him at a spry 170llb. The original death certificate disappeared, and the current death certificate is dated two months after his alleged death.

This argument is convincing when the facts are considered. Elvis's coffin required several pall bearers because it weighed 900llb. Attendants of the funeral reported that the air around the coffin was rather cool. It is suspected that the coffin contained an air conditioning unit to keep a wax body cool - a wax that was a replica designed to fool funeral-goers. And how did the family get a 900llb, custom made coffin ready for a funeral that was held on the day after his death? It takes time to build an elaborate coffin.

why have the funeral quickly? Some say that the immediacy was intended to make it difficult for people who were Elvis's fans to attend. It could be a concern that they might recognize the flaws in the replica.

The body in the coffin had a pug nose and arched eyebrows (unlike Elvis) and most importantly, one of the sideburns on the "corpse" was loose and falling off. A hairdresser later reported gluing the sideburn back on the body.

2 hours after Elvis's death, a man who looked remarkably like Elvis purchased a ticket for Buenos Aeries, paid in cash, and used the name John Burrows: the same name Elvis had used as an alias several times before.

Elvis had a few books that were considered to be his most prized possessions, most importantly Chiro's Book of Numbers and The Autobiography of Yogi which I will explain more about later. After Elvis's death was announced, these books disappeared and were never recovered.

In the weeks preceding, Elvis's actions were not those of a man who was about to embark on an extensive US tour. He ordered no new suits despite having gained 50 pounds since his last tour, and he bid "adios" at his last show in Hawaii. He had never done this before. Adios, like the French adieu, has the significance of being a final good-bye.

Elvis did things that created suspicion. First, he fired several employees that he had relied upon for a long time. Also, two days before his alleged death, Elvis phoned a friend of his named Miss Foster. He told her that he wasn't planning on going on the upcoming tour. She asked him if he had canceled it, and he said no. When she asked if he was ill, he said that he was fine, and that she should not ask any more questions or tell anyone anything, and that she should not believe anything she read. He said that his troubles would all be over, and that he would call her in a few weeks. Miss Foster took a polygraph test and that she was not lying.

The day after, Lucy De Barbon, an exlover, received a single rose in the mail. The card indicated that the flower was from "El Lancelot." This had been her pet name for Elvis, and it was a name that no one else knew. This was Elvis's way of letting her know that he was not dead, even though he didn't want to be found.

Elvis had a fascination with numerology - an interest he fed by reading Chiro's Book of Numbers. The theory that the King orchestrated his death is further supported when considering the significance of the date of his alleged death. The date in question is August 16,1977. By adding the numbers in the date, 8, 16, and 1977, you get 2001. This is the title of Elvis' favorite movie in which the hero plans his immortality in the bathroom. Elvis spent a considerable amount of time doing the same: planning his afterlife on the john. Coincidentally, the bathroom is also where Elvis's body was reportedly found.

Given Elvis's religious affiliation, he had a fascination with things that come in threes i.e. father, son and holy ghost. The sum of the digits from his favorite film (2+0+0+1) is three. Let's consider the triad of the repetition of the number 24. 2001 (favorite film) less 1977 (year of death) is 24. The two numbers from the day of death (8/16) when added up equal 24. The sum of the digits in the year of death (1+9+7+7) also equals 24. That is 3 occurrences of the number 24 which is divisible by 3, and when divided by three the result, 8 has a perfect cubed root. Elvis loved numerology, and when you consider the numeric significance of the date of his alleged death, it is clear that if indeed he did plan to fake his death, he could not have chosen a better date.

Elvis had reasons to fake his death. His life was in danger. He had lost $10,000,000 in a real estate deal with a California organization called "Fraternity" that had links to the Mafia. It is speculated that he corroborated with the government to expose the organized crime ring in exchange for protection - perhaps in the form of a new life.Because of his incredible popularity, he was the recipient of death threats, he was concerned about the safety of his wife and child. Sometimes when he wanted to leave Graceland, he would send out lookalikes to distract followers.

Elvis had shown a fascination with death on occasions. In the days leading up to his alleged death he was reported to have visited funeral homes at odd hours of the night with close friends. Was he doing research? Elvis once faked his death by setting up an elaborate shooting in which a would be killer fired blanks at Elvis who had a blood pack which he discharged. It was his intention to see how people would react. Perhaps what he learned convinced him to do it for real.

One of Elvis' favorite books is the spiritual Autobiography of Yogi. One of the themes of this book is the relinquishing of one's wealth and possessions to achieve spiritual oneness.

Elvis had the means to fake his own death. He is accused of destroying himself with drugs. In reality, Elvis was a pharmaceutical expert. He took a lot of drugs, but he knew what he was doing and was extremely careful. He knew what drugs he could self-administer to create a deathlike state. Further, Elvis's experience with the martial arts was such that he could slow his heart rate and breathing in order to feign death.

Elvis's manager, Colonel Tom Parker, once created a new identity for himself. He came to this county as an immigrant, but through connections managed to create an identity complete with a passport, birth certificate, drivers license, and social security number. He would have known how to give Elvis a second life.

In addition, Elvis was known to interact with the President. He was reported in government documents to use the name John Burrows as an alias when he wanted to travel. Some people believe that Elvis worked for the government as a drug agent. He did, have extensive contact with many people in the music business who, tend to dabble in illegal substances. of course, we must allow that Elvis's connections to the government gave him access to the Witness Relocation Program. They can relocate anybody.

Many believe that Elvis couldn't have given up performing cold turkey. I imagine that after a while the desire to perform grew once he started his life in exile. Shortly after Elvis's death, a masked singer by the name of Orion emerged on the scene. He was big like Elvis, and he sang just like Elvis. Because of the mask, no one could tell his true identity.

A fan described how she rushed into a tour bus at an Orion show only to see two Orions in the back of the bus. She claimed that one ducked into the bathroom before she could get a good look at him, but he appeared to look like Elvis.

What's more remarkable is the fictional story called Orion about a legendary performer who had several identities and wanted to fake his death. The story was written and submitted to the William Morris Agency for publication consideration after Elvis's death and before the real Orion ever performed. As it turns out, there are many ways in which the real Orion mimicked the events as described in the book. For example, the performers' managers had the same name. Also, without knowing it, Brewer-Georgio wrote of events in Orion that had actually taken place in Elvis's life.

20/20 did an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the alleged death. The investigative report was very convincing. Oddly enough, within two weeks of the report, the singer, Orion, disappeared and was never heard from again. The book, Orion disappeared from shelves across the country. It had been recalled by the publisher which was associated with the William Morris Agency. Incidentally, the WMA is the same agency that represented Elvis.

It seems that Elvis is worth more dead. By faking his death and relocating with a new identity, he is safe from his fans and the Fraternity, the government can make a solid case against the organized crime ring, and RCA, Elvis's family, and Elvis's management can all reap immense financial benefits from the attention.

That is except for one benefit. No one has collected on his life insurance.
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Geregistreerd: di 31 aug 2010, 17:04

Re: Broncode Jan Sloot fictie of .....

Berichtdoor Johan1951 » zo 24 okt 2010, 08:29

From: Pesan

Ik hoopte op een meer technische discussie.
Leek me leuk om te brainstormen over de vinding.
Misschien straks een speelfilm downloaden en op een SD kaartje zetten?
Scheelt een boel kastruimte.
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Geregistreerd: di 31 aug 2010, 17:04

Re: Broncode Jan Sloot fictie of .....

Berichtdoor Johan1951 » zo 24 okt 2010, 08:30

From: Deus

Hoe kun je brainstormen over iets waarvan je niet eens weet of het technisch mogelijk is of bestaat.

Ik zou wel kunnen zeggen dat hij er een ultra efficiente compressor voor gebruikt... of 'some magic coding' maar aangezien we niet weten of het waar is lijkt et me onnuttig :?
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Geregistreerd: di 31 aug 2010, 17:04

Re: Broncode Jan Sloot fictie of .....

Berichtdoor Johan1951 » zo 24 okt 2010, 08:30

From: Gerben Hoekstra

Och, er zijn al flash kaartjes van 12 GB, meen ik. Daar kunnen heel wat films op. Stuk of 17 in divx formaat.

Dat mensen geld in iets steken, zegt heel weinig. Met enige regelmaat worden prachtige verhalen verzonnen, puur met het doel zoveel mogelijk geld bij investeerders los te peuteren. En vaak onstaat er ook gewoon een hype, zoals de dot com zeepbel. Denk maar aan het worldonline debacle. Eigenlijk is het gewoon gelegaliseerde zwendel. Zolang iedereen erin gelooft, en dik geld neerlegt voor aandelen, blijft het goed gaan. Maar in feite zijn het gewoon kettingbrieven...
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Geregistreerd: di 31 aug 2010, 17:04

Re: Broncode Jan Sloot fictie of .....

Berichtdoor Johan1951 » zo 24 okt 2010, 08:32

From: Roffy

Re: Dit is een computerforum

Pesan schreef:
Misschien straks een speelfilm downloaden en op een SD kaartje zetten?

Kan al :) ( geen DVD, maar wel gewoon een aardige DivX :))
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Geregistreerd: di 31 aug 2010, 17:04

Re: Broncode Jan Sloot fictie of .....

Berichtdoor Johan1951 » zo 24 okt 2010, 12:44

From: Nicos

Bedenk wel dat het 5 jaar geleden was. Toen waren de flash kaartjes nog niet zover. Voor zover ik weet waren er toen nog geen flash kaartjes van 12 GB.
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Geregistreerd: di 31 aug 2010, 17:04

Re: Broncode Jan Sloot fictie of .....

Berichtdoor Johan1951 » zo 24 okt 2010, 12:45

From: Pesan

Ik wist niet dat die van 12 GB bestonden, zeker ongelooflijk duur.

Ok, vijf jaar is een lange tijd in computerland.
Maar, het is onzin om te stellen dat iets niet kan, simpelweg omdat het nog niet bestaat. Dat is nu juist de essentie van een uitvinding.
Achteraf, als ik Jan Sloot was en echt iets byzonders had, dan zou ik het al snel verkocht hebben voor bv 10 miljoen. Maak je voorlopig toch niet op.

Toch kan ik mij niet aan de indruk onttrekken dat vele producten kunstmatig in de markt gehouden worden terwijl ze allang achterhaald zijn. Simpelweg omdat er zoveel geld aan verdiend wordt. Zoals DVD schijfjes. Ik had vroeger (heb ik nog trouwens) een MSX met een complete office suite (ease) op een computer zonder HDD en met 128 MB geheugen. Goed, het was een stuk langzamer, maar werkte prima.
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Geregistreerd: di 31 aug 2010, 17:04

Re: Broncode Jan Sloot fictie of .....

Berichtdoor Johan1951 » zo 24 okt 2010, 12:46

From: Charl

David van Dantzig schreef:
Of er zat een harde schijf in 't zwarte kastje

Zeker met een 74GB Raptor in Raid-0 :)

Kheb het programma gezien, vond het wel aardig.
Waarom zou het niet kunnen ?
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Geregistreerd: di 31 aug 2010, 17:04

Re: Broncode Jan Sloot fictie of .....

Berichtdoor Johan1951 » zo 24 okt 2010, 12:53

From: Spikillah

Ik denk dat die man de boel zwaar liep te neppen...

(ik ga ervanuit dat op dat chipkaartje alleen snelkoppelingen stonden naar die film files...)

Als het wel waar zou zijn is dat mooi, maar kom maar met bewijs!!

(vage redenen van een partner van hem die die broncode wel zou hebben in een kluis maar niet wil openbaar maken zegt mij al genoeg... :twisted: )

Enne.. tig films tegelijk afspelen dat kan/kon onder Beos makkelijk!:

Hier een klikje naar een fullscreen:
Screenshot 4: Multitasking en multithreading op z'n best: 2 MPEG videos, 1 AVI, 1 MOV, 2 WAV, 1 mp3, TVCard, OpenGL en de CPU-monitor.

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Geregistreerd: di 31 aug 2010, 17:04


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